Thursday, August 9, 2007

Player yg ada service bagus..

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p/s : sedutan amik kat forum lain.. corkspin tu spin camne ehh?

Hi Friends,

I've been watching this video quite a bit, especially the serves section. I don't understand the language but can piece together some of what is going on, here is what I have so far, if others can clarify and correct any errors it would be very helpful!

This is covering the pieces shot in what resembles an underground playing facility with low light - includes slo-mo, and multiple videos of the same serve (played together).

Ok, here is what I have so far; all serves are forehand from backhand corner:

13:11 - 14:03: "There are different opinions, some people say you have to make ball-contact with service early. Even I can't do make ball contact early and than let it go at the end (of the rubber, like he demonstrates). That's so hard. For me it's right to even hit the ball (?!) and then...When you want to create spin, you'll need a fast movement. And to accomplish that: Training, training, training. First you'll start slow...with a low amount of effect. But after a little while you'll get more'll go faster and faster and then you'll able to produce good spin on your services. --- a lot of training and then you will get it right and get a good timing and you're hand/wrist movement will be fast and then you've got spin!"

14:17: Schlager performs forehand underspin short serve to the middle - a little bit of side creeps in. Notice how he scoops under the ball and in the front of it to maximize the underspin.

14:39: Schlager repeats the underspin short serve to the middle, this time using a reverse pendulum motion.

15:05: Schlager performs a long underspin serve to the backhand corner on the opponent side, using a reverse pendulum motion.

15:30: Schlager demonstrates left-to-right side-spin to the middle using reverse pendulum motion.

16:06: Pendulum serve: Side-top spin variation, short to middle / backhand side.

18:30 - 19:13: "When I look at someone elses play and I see that someone's got a strong service..I want to immitate that..but I can't. ..That's his service, he has got this feeling..he can hit the ball at a particular way, with such a fast movement, that he can produce good spin like that. But I can't do that. You must not copy the service exactly..but about the same. You try to do his service, and do it again and again and again untill you'll also be able to make a short serve and untill it'll be of good quality."

19:15: Reverse pedulum serve with full pendulum motion: Underspin short to backhand side.

19:30: Deception! Serve appears to be a reverse pendulum serve, but at the last moment, Schlager performs a (mini) pendulum side-top serve to the backhand side.

20:08: High-toss, short underspin serve, some with varying amounts of sidespin.

21:08: High-toss, no-spin / light side / top serve fast down the line to the forehand.

21:38: Here I'm a little fuzzy - low toss, corkscrew side-under spin???

22:18 - 22:51 In this part he tells about practising service. When you're only practising with a box full of balls and stand next to a table and perform loads of services you'll never get as consistent on your services as when you do a lotof trainingsmatches. Because when you train with just a box of balls the position in which you stand in the beginning and at the end of a service will be different as in a real match. So he tells, to train your service it's best to just do a lot of mini-matches.

Please post any comments, additions, corrections and I will merge them all into this list! thanks!

1.short bottom spin
2. reverse short bottom spin
3. reverse long bottomspin
4. reverse side top short.
5. bottom corkspin
6. corkspin short.
7. top corkspin
8. short backspin with reverse service.
9. reverse long nospin.
10. I think this is a another variation, long serve with some cork.
11. high toss backspin cork.
12. short high toss cork
13. high toss long nospin
14. top corkspin.

Wang Liqin training video

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Memang Video DF. Mungkin ITTF n RSM dah tengok. Tempohnya 35 minit sja tapi banyak guna memory, 351mb. Bagaimana pun, berbaloi. Kepada yang tak tengok rugi.

Antara isinya:

FH stroke
Multiball FH flick
FH power loop

- boleh nampak penggunaan sendi termasuk penggunaan bahu untuk memaksimumkan power. Ada slowmo. Nampak back swing, contact point dan follow t. Pergerakan pinggang dan lutut - nampak perubahan berat badan dari kaki kanan ke kaki kiri.

dan ada,
BH stroke/power block
BH loop
BH push

Saya tengok kemahiran ini adalah senjata utama Wang Liqin. Jika pasukan PP4M dapat menguasai 80% kemahiran ini saja, 2nd round dah tentu dalam tangan.

Tip untuk Pertandingan Choong Wen, KLIA, Kolej Mara

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Info berikut berguna untuk menghadapi pertandingan.

Take Your Time when Serving by Daniel DiVita, andro Future Champ

I've seen many players not taking their time when serving. I recommend that you learn a comfortable routine for serving. There is no one rushing you, and you actually control the pace of the game when serving. So, take advantage of this, and serve at the pace that you want to. This will help you make the least number of errors when serving.

“Winning at Deuce” by Sean O'Neill, Team STIGA

At 10–10 relax; try to play the point with the same discipline as you would any other. Thinking that it is a “do or die” point will cause tightness and pressure. Go with your strengths or force your opponent into their weaknesses. A well-placed push can be as effective as a loop kill if it is done at the right time and to the right place.

Preparing For Battle by Daniel DiVita, andro Future Champ

When going into battle or playing your match, the first thing you want to know is what kind of weapon your opponent is using. I've seen many players never check what kind of rubber their opponent is using. There are many different kinds of rubber that someone can use: long pips, short pips, medium pips, inverted, anti, and so on. So, before your match always look at your opponent's paddle. This way, you will know what strategy is needed to win, and save yourself a lot of headaches.

Prevent Your Opponent from Attacking Your Serves by Joseph Wang

If your opponent is particularly aggressive and attacks your serves, here are a few tips to keep him at bay. Always remember to look at where your opponent is standing before you serve. If he is itching to step around, do not hesitate to serve down the line. It is best to throw the ball a little higher when you serve, so you can have some time to sneak a glance from the corner of your eye before actually serving. If you think he is going to step around, you can always serve a side spin into the wide backhand, so the ball chases him as he is stepping around, or you could just serve short (at least two bounces before the ball leaves the table). Remember that serving is meant to give you the advantage and allow you to attack, not your opponent.

Tournament Tips by Marielle Chua, andro Future Champ player

• If you ever get frustrated during your match because of a dumb mistake you made, just shrug it off and concentrate on the next point. Take it one point at a time. Getting frustrated never gets you anywhere! Think it through.
• Always mentally rehearse before a match. Concentrate on the great shots you made and what you did to make them. When you picture good things, you will do them. Always stay positive.
• Always arrive at your tournaments early and get a good warm-up. When you warm up well, you play well.

Main Double..strategi terbaik?

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bagi saya,, dua2 penting, attack n defence...

1. serve pndek...
2. sabar, tunggu the right ball, then attack. jgn main attack je
3. finally gameplay... paling bagus spin loop masukkan je... taraf2 kite ni, rase saya la kan, masukkan bola pon belum tentu opponent dapat return ngan elok... paling penting placing bola la..... tapi lawan state lain la cite....hehehe
4. rasenye, gameplay terbaik sorang attack sorang defence... ape kate korrang?

Main Dgn Chopper dan Pimple

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ttone sudah banyak kali main dengan long pimples dan ttone sudah try macam macam... cara yang terbaik ialah menyerang mereka. Jangan ikut rentak diaorang.

Yang paling susah ialah jenis serangan sebab bola yang kembali dari long pimples in boleh jadi macam macam... kadang kadang float ada masa bottom spin, ada masa pula top spin. So kena lah latih baca bola yang kembali dari pimples. Biasanya jenis bola yang kembali bergantung kepada spin diri anda sendiri sebelum di pukul oleh pimple... ttone sudah buat kesimpulan awal apa yang perlu di perhatikan.

1. Kekuatan dan jenis spin yang dibuat oleh diri sendiri kepada pimple.
2. Kebiasaannya, kalau kita topspin, kita akan dapat balik chop... kalau kita chop, kita dapat balik topspin. Tapi ada juga bahaya sebab kadang- kadang kita dapat balik float, float ini berlaku biasanya bila spin kita tak kuat atau lawan lambat return bola.

ttone lebih suka kalau bola tu kembali dalam bentuk float... kita cuma perlu drive-spin saja bola tu... kalau tinggi, smash saja. Untuk buat float... cari peluang untuk buat chop yang lemah kepada long pimple.

Belajar menggunakan Pimple (Long Pimple)

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hmmm tak ramai nak sembang pasal topic ni...tak pe saya cuba cerita sikit apa yang saya tau...'tau tak pe...'
nak guna getah selain daripada pip-in (licin) ni memerlukan komitment yang tinggi... cara pemikiran kena ubah kerana kebanyakkan teknik untuk getah licin ni kita perlu melawan spin...dengan menggunakan pip-out terutamanya long pimple LP kita kena ikut spin dalam erti kata lain menggunakan kekuatan spin dan speed lawan untuk kelebihan kita...di samping itu, kelebihan pada LP ini, ia boleh menghasilkan no-spin...

dalam pasaran kini terdapat pelbagai jenis LP...kawalan LP bergantung pada ketebalan sponge...sbg contoh...tanpa sponge sesuai permainan rapat dengan meja, semakin tebal sponge maka makin kurang kawalan permainan rapat dengan meja dan oleh yang demikian lebih kawalan diperolehi jauh dari meja...

teknik asas menggunakan LP adalah bottom hit, chop block, reverse chop dan flip untuk jarak dekat, vertical slice dan flick untuk jarak jauh. Antara guru atau sifu yang bagus dalam penggunaan LP ni ialah Chen xinhua, lagi bagus kalau beli cd trainingnya sekali kerana asas penggunaan LP di tunjukkan step by step...

Handle Top Spin

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Satu lagi cara ialah menggunakan long pimples ….

(Source Sifu ttonE)

ni macam kes high arc loop kot, tak tau betul ke tak...kalau kita serve bottom kuat...dan receiver loop bola straight keatas itu namanya high arc loop...tahap spin return selalunya tahap dewa...biasanya kena lempang terus dengan grip lembut atau nak mudah pakai short pimple atau nak lebih mudah jangan serve bottom kuat dan panjang atau return chop dengan kuat...

(source sifu azrin)

bila cerita pasal counter top spin ni saya rase elok tgk teknik timo boll......tgk video training dia.....bila dia chop kepada oppenent, timo boll sudah bersiap-sedia untuk counter....amazing.....try la tiru cara dia main....

mmg super fast game timo boll......

(Source zaizarul)

kena banyak latihan blocking, "perfect practice make perfect". banyakkan latihan blocking, cuba cari kawan2 2 atau 3 orang buat top spin dan try block bola diaorang. Dari situ mungkin dapat membezakan kepelbagain top spin. jgn berlatih dengan orang yg sama aje, lain orang lain topspinnye.....
lagi satu kalau rasa2 malas nak block kena belajar counter topspin.......itu aje obatnye.....

(Source sifu iitf)
amat bagus skali... saya suka block klu bola jenis tuu dan rasa sesuai dgn penholder saya...

Strecthing Before Play

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nak improve skill..
untuk melembutkan pegelangan tangan dan bahu paling senang byk stracthing waktu pagi dan mandi air panas kalau byk modal pegi sauna nak bgs lagi berkawan ngan golongan penari kelab kebudayaan.

bykkan pegi tournament dan belajar ngan state player nak bgs lagi byk menonton vcd tournament world player tgk skill individu semase bermain atau training ape kelebihan nye cari kawan yg same lvl so training tingkatkan lagi spin,chop,defence serve sendiri mau ingat laa..

3.Form atau Accurate
utk dptkan form pastikan spin,chop,defence dan serve anda yg selalu anda lakukan pada tahap kedudukan yg baik dan positve.Kesihatan juga memainkan peranan yg penting sebelum training atau kejohanan byk meminum air msk jgn minum air batu,makan makanan yg sederhana jgn terlampau berat.

utk mendapatkan skill yg baik kita harus berlajar pada mistake so kita harus ingat ape yg kita selalu lakukan mistake pada spin,chop,defence dan serve,kedudukan pusingan bola,kedudukan bet,kedudukan badan dekat table harus kite tahu ape yg selalu kite lakukan elakkan daripada melakukan mistake khidmat jurulatih diperlukan dlm hal ni kalau ade kwn yg pandai lagi bgs.